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Writing: A Remedy for the Country

A Remedy for the Country, § 36

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§ 36

Fourth, the payments into the Bank should as far as possible be proportioned to the period within which the Bank undertakes to convert all its notes and should be accepted in any kind of coin, gold, silver, copper or notes that may be most convenient to borrowers, but (N.B.) all on the bases outlined under the first and second points, whereby the Bank will more quickly obtain valuables with which to redeem its notes from others and can thus with greater certainty maintain its credit.



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Original language

§. 36.

4:o. Böra inbetalningarna i Banken så mycket möjeligt är proportioneras efter den tiden, inom hwilken Banken åtager sig at Realisera alla sina Sedlar, och emottagas i hwad slags Mynt, Guld, Silfwer, Koppar eller Sedlar, som låntagare kan falla beqwämligast; men NB, alt efter de i 1:sta och 2:dra puncterne utstakade grunder, hwarigenom Banken snarare får in realiteter, at inlösa sina Sedlar med af andra, och dymedelst säkrare kan underhålla sin Credit.


§ 36

4) Pankkiin suoritettavat maksut on mahdollisimman suuressa määrin suhteutettava siihen aikamäärään, jonka kuluessa pankki sitoutuu lunastamaan kaikki setelinsä, ja ne on otettava vastaan lainanottajalle parhaiten sopivana rahalajina, kultana, hopeana, kuparina tai seteleinä; huomattakoon kuitenkin, että kaiken on tapahduttava 1. ja 2. kohdassa osoitettujen perusteiden mukaisesti, jolloin pankki saa nopeammin haltuunsa reaalista rahaa lunastaakseen sillä seteleitään muilta ja pystyy siten varmemmin säilyttämään maksuvalmiutensa.


§ 36

Fourth, the payments into the Bank should as far as possible be proportioned to the period within which the Bank undertakes to convert all its notes and should be accepted in any kind of coin, gold, silver, copper or notes that may be most convenient to borrowers, but (N.B.) all on the bases outlined under the first and second points, whereby the Bank will more quickly obtain valuables with which to redeem its notes from others and can thus with greater certainty maintain its credit.



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