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Writing: A Remedy for the Country

A Remedy for the Country, § 2

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§ 2

By a system of finance I do not mean the finances of the Crown, which consist in distributing among the citizens and utilizing those charges that are indispensable for the maintenance of the Crown and the state with the greatest security, the least confusion and the most equitable sharing of the burden, but the finances of the country, which should be carefully distinguished from the former and consist in the manner of establishing the coinage of the realm on such a footing as will best promote security and enterprise in all productive occupations, from which the country as a whole and each individual subject derive their proper increase and strength.1

As long as I myself produce all that I require to meet my needs, I have little or nothing to do with this financial system of the country, but as there is not a single one among us, of whatever rank and condition he may be, who can subsist in this way on his own, it becomes indispensable for each one of us to obtain from others what he needs in exchange for such things that he can more easily do without.

  1. Chydenius here defines the concept finance-system, which can be understood as “monetary system”. In the original text he uses penning-system (“coin system”) as a synonym for finance-system. Chydenius is, however, somewhat inconsistent in his usage of these concepts and we have therefore decided to use “system of finance” or “financial system” in the translation.

Original documents

Original language

§. 2.

Med Finance-system förstår jag icke Kronans Finance, som bestå däruti, at med största säkerhet, minsta oreda, och jämnaste känning2 utdela på Medborgare och använda de afgifter, som til Kronans och Statens wid magt hållande äro oumgängelige; utan Rikets Finance, som noga bör skiljas från den förra, och består i sättet, at inrätta Rikets Mynt på en sådan fot, som bäst befordrar säkerheten och rörelsen i alla näringar, hwaraf Riket i gemen och hwar undersåte i synnerhet hämtar sin rätta tilwäxt och styrka.

Så länge jag immediate förser mig af egen tilwerkning, med alla mina behof, har jag med denna Rikets Finance-System föga eller ingen ting at beställa; men som det icke gifwes en enda af oss, af hwad stånd och wilkor han ock wara må, som således kan bestå af sig sjelf, blifwer det ock oumgängeligt för hwar och en, at skaffa sig af andra, hwad han behöfwer, emot sådant, som är honom mera umbärligt.

  1. med jämnaste känning: så jämnt som möjligt


§ 2

Rahajärjestelmällä en tarkoita kruunun raha-asioita, joiden sisältönä on hyvin luotettavalla tavalla, mahdollisimman vähin haittavaikutuksin ja mahdollisimman tasaisesti kansalaisia rasittaen jakaa heidän maksettavakseen sekä käyttää ne maksut, joiden periminen on välttämätöntä kruunun ja valtion ylläpitämiseksi. Sen sijaan tarkoitan valtakunnan rahataloutta, joka on tarkoin erotettava edellä mainitusta ja jonka muodostaa se tapa, jolla valtakunnan raha on asetettu sellaiselle perustalle, että se parhaiten edistää kaikkien elinkeinojen turvallista ja toimeliasta harjoittamista, johon kaiken kaikkiaan koko valtakunnan ja erikseen kunkin alamaisen taloudellinen kasvu ja voima pohjautuvat.

Niin kauan kuin täytän kaikki välittömät tarpeeni omilla tuotteillani ja valmisteillani, minulla ei ole valtakunnan rahajärjestelmän kanssa tekemistä juuri lainkaan; mutta koska keskuudessamme ei ole ketään, olkootpa hänen säätyasemansa ja elämänolonsa millaiset tahansa, joka voi tuolla tavalla olla täysin omavarainen, jokainen joutuu kuitenkin hankkimaan muilta tarvitsemiaan tavaroita vaihtamalle ne sellaisiin, joista hän voi paremmin luopua.


§ 2

By a system of finance I do not mean the finances of the Crown, which consist in distributing among the citizens and utilizing those charges that are indispensable for the maintenance of the Crown and the state with the greatest security, the least confusion and the most equitable sharing of the burden, but the finances of the country, which should be carefully distinguished from the former and consist in the manner of establishing the coinage of the realm on such a footing as will best promote security and enterprise in all productive occupations, from which the country as a whole and each individual subject derive their proper increase and strength.3

As long as I myself produce all that I require to meet my needs, I have little or nothing to do with this financial system of the country, but as there is not a single one among us, of whatever rank and condition he may be, who can subsist in this way on his own, it becomes indispensable for each one of us to obtain from others what he needs in exchange for such things that he can more easily do without.

  1. Chydenius here defines the concept finance-system, which can be understood as “monetary system”. In the original text he uses penning-system (“coin system”) as a synonym for finance-system. Chydenius is, however, somewhat inconsistent in his usage of these concepts and we have therefore decided to use “system of finance” or “financial system” in the translation.

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